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Call for Special-Issue Proposals on topics in American Studies (June 12th, 2024)

Deadline: October 1, 2024

Call for Special-Issue Proposals on topics in American Studies

The editors of the journal Amerikastudien / American Studies invite proposals for a special issue on any topic of American studies to be published in 2026/2027. Proposals should elaborate on the specific design of the topic, should be inter- or transnational in scope, and should highlight the quality of the proposed contributions with regard to the overall topic. The proposals should

  • a 500-word description of the topic, presenting method, theory, and expected content;
  • a bibliography outlining the topic’s current state of research
  • at least two or three confirmed contributors with working titles and 200-word abstracts
    (the guest editors are encouraged to recruit further contributors through an open call for papers).

Criteria for selection will be academic excellence, originality, social and/or political relevance, as well as the combination and coherence of the issue’s conceptual frame and its proposed contributions. The editors appreciate a heterogeneity of scholarly perspectives.

The best proposal will be selected by the General Editors, Associate Editors, and the Editorial Board this fall. Please send your proposals  to amst@dgfa.de by October 1, 2024.


Amerikastudien / American Studies: A Quarterly is one of Europe’s leading journals in the field of American studies. With a community of over 25,000 readers in at least 85 nations across all continents, we take pride in providing open access online to high-end, interdisciplinary research in the fields of American literature, culture, society, history, politics, media, language, and pedagogies. Founded in 1956, Amerikastudien / American Studies has its home base at the universities of Marburg and Flensburg and ensures highest academic publication standards through a double-blind peer review process, a broadly international board of reviewers, and our collaboration with a professional publishing house.

The journal is currently accepting paper manuscripts, proposals for interviews or forum contributions, as well as proposals for special issues via amst@dgfa.de.

