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The Iconoclastic Dinner Table: Judy Chicago’s "Dinner Party" and Academic Cultural Politics

Daniel Herwitz

Seiten 527 - 538

DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2023/4/10


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American identity politics in art and the university arise in the wake of the social movements of the 1960s and focus on solidarity for marginalized groups, along with the critique of the representations which have served to marginalize them. This article bookends the rise of American cultural politics with Judy Chicago’s "Dinner Party" and Linda Nochlin’s academic feminism in art history, then turns to the right-wing reaction of offense at iconoclasm towards cultural heritage in the 1980s and 1990s. It ends with the constricted nature of cultural politics in America today, both on the right and the left, arguing that on both sides a distorted idea of the right to offense is at stake.

Key Words: avant-garde; solidarity; culture wars; offense; American politics

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