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Die Miliz und das amerikanische Selbst­verständnis: Individuelle Freiheit und institutionelle Hierarchien in der Early Republic (1813-1828)

Daniel Brewing, Stefanie Coché

Seiten 309 - 328

DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2022/3/5


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The Coffin Handbills from 1828 are well known to both scholars of the Early Republic and a wider audience. The pamphlets attacking Andrew Jackson during the 1828 presidential campaign have been described as almost paradigmatic for the ways the media have been shaping American politics ever since. This article—however—argues that the case of six militia men accused of mutiny, sentenced to death, and executed with the approval of General Andrew Jackson in 1815 moreover allows us to understand the complex relationship between newly institutionalized hierarchies and a deeply rooted notion of individual freedom. Drawing on the court-martial files from 1814 and documents from the House of Representatives dealing with that case in 1828 the article sheds light on a hitherto underappreciated aspect of this well-known scandal at the end of the Early Republic.

Key Words: Jacksonian democracy; military; court-martial

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