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The National Security Advisor and the Secretary of State in the Obama Administration: Thomas Donilon and Hillary Clinton

Mikael Blomdahl

Seiten 65 - 83

DOI https://doi.org/10.33675/AMST/2020/1/7


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This article analyzes the relative influence of National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the Obama administration. Specifically, using national security advisor typologies and the bureaucratic politics model, the article argues that although Donilon entered the president’s inner circle, Clinton turned out to be a relatively powerful actor, not least in the 2011 Libya intervention. Examining how advisors interact with one another, their status in the advisory group, and the manner in which presidents solicit information from advisors will further our understanding of how, when, and under what conditions national security-level leaders make decisions.

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